In fact when initially WSL2 could not connect to network and I had to reset all network adapters as mentioned here( ) We can migrate to WSL2, and the recent documentation is available here ( ). In the link they have mentioned about setting up the Postgres database using a windows installer, I was able to set it up within WSL environment itself. The link here provides detailed steps on how to set this up with a Postgres backend.( ).
In case you do not want to use Rubymine, still WSL is a good choice for setting up the Ruby projects. While providing the options the documentation recommends usage of WSL Windows Subsystem for Linux which is available as an application as well as configuration of windows developer tools. The installation options for rubymine is fairly detailed here, and easy to follow –. Though there is a license fee associated with its usage, but then it is worth it in my opinion. Rubymine is an excellent IDE when working on Ruby projects.